Goodbye Little Ti

Our sweet baby Ti left us on January 13th, 2021. He was healthy his whole life, only seeing the vet for checkups, so we thought (hoped!) maybe he'd live forever. But it was a slow decline after his 13th birthday-some stumbling, hearing loss, less inclined to follow us around like he usually did. Long naps that lasted for hours and hours. Until one day he refused his breakfast and his breathing got labored. A golden who doesn't want to eat is a very bad sign and he became quite sick very quickly. We weren't prepared, but I suppose no one ever is. He was diagnosed with hemangiosarcoma and was bleeding into his abdomen.
His last day was tough as we waited for his final vet appointment. As miserable as he was feeling, he still managed to wag his tail and still wanted to be with his people.

We told him he was the goodest of dogs, kissed him, and then he was gone.

Ti, we loved you from the moment we brought you home.

Not everyone remembers what a bratty pup you were to your big brother Augie!

Luckily the two of you grew up to be the best of pals!

So many happy memories, from the costumes...

To the birthday parties...

To how cute you looked while you slept...

We miss you. We miss your sweetness, your forever thumping tail, the funny sounds you made, and how you loved everyone very, very much.
Thank you for being our forever-puppy. Hope you are young and healthy again and running free with Augie and all your doggy friends, doing the things that make you happy.

We love you.

We want to thank all our wonderful friends who sent cards and gifts and lovely messages!!
Artist John Rasmussen sent us this fabulous original drawing:

These beautiful flowers came from our friend Joan Huddleston:

Karen Shaffer and Britteny Miller sent these amazing angel dog plaques of the boys!

This pretty bracelet came from Tamara Silva:

And Bridget Ehinger and Liz Watling made donations in Ti's name! Thanks all!
We're still posting "memories" on our social media, and hope to have a new dog or two in the near future. See you soon!