About Us
AugieDoggy was started in 2006 as we waited for our first puppy, Augustus, to be old enough to come home. A year later we added his "brother" Tiberius to our family, and the rest was history!
We have moved our website to this new host, so please bear with us while we transfer over a decade (!) of content. It will be a long task, but we hope you'll check back often for updates! We have a lot to tell you!

Fame and Fortune

-2006 Pet portrait contest winner -November 2006 Frosty Paws photo contest winner -WorldWide Fido video contest winner (4 times) -2008 Michigan Tails Magazine winner for "Goofiest Dog" -Al Frank mutual funds online ad actor

-WorldWide Fido video contest winner -June 2011 Pampered Puppy Photo Contest Winner

-Appeared twice in the newspaper -WorldWide Fido video contest winners -Appeared in KV Pet supply catalog in ads for vitamins and coat conditioners -Finalists in the 2008 Better Homes and Gardens magazine Halloween photo contest -2009 Michigan Tails Magazine winners for "Best Dressed Dogs"

-2010 Hometown Life Halloween contest winners -2010 Family Getaway Vacations Halloween contest finalists -Appeared on TV on the 2011 Puppy Bowl in a "Kiss Cam" video -2014 & 2016 Licensed images to Avanti Press for greeting cards